Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This Has The Potential to be Obama’s Swan Song.. Let’s Sing it For Him

Posted by LM Stansbury on Monday, September 08, 2008 12:00:00 AM

My jaw dropped this morning as I read the news of Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews’ removal from MSNBC’s election coverage. What a monumental feat this has proved. Throughout this election cycle, we Conservatives have been struggling against the bias of the media, swimming upstream with every stroke, in order that our voices may be heard. How exceptionally reassured we should be that someone, namely NBC, has finally heard and validated our concerns.

I write this message to my fellow political activists. Do your research and do it painstakingly. Ever so slightly, our assault on the media has begun to make some headway so we must now be prepared for the counter attack. With the removal of Matthews and Olbermann the Left are going to attempt to do what they do best, play the victim. They are going to turn these two ideologues into political martyrs, using their removal as some sort of substantiation of the right-leaning bias of the media.

So here is what we must do: John Adams said it best when we he reminded a court room full of people that facts are stubborn things. Be above the media, as Sarah Palin has demonstrated and be above reproach with the factual content of your posts, as Sean Hannity, Dennis Prager and so many other conservative voices have been. The truth after all, is on our side, so there is no need to sink to the level of agenda-driven research. Ensure that your messages are fail-proof for the media elite are doing everything in their power to sway the electorate by whatever fact or fiction they are able to conjure.

In her speech last week, Hillary Clinton shouted to the roaring crowd, the dangers of the right-wing gridlock in the courts. Those of us who have delved into this arena on any level whatsoever are well aware of the damage that has already been incurred by political activist judges on the Left. Regardless the facts, her line was bought hook, line and sinker by her audience. The left tell the country that they are protecting the constitutional phrase, “separation of church and state,” though those words are no where to be found in the actual constitution. The left are telling the country that there is a consensus in the scientific community with regard to the causes of global warming, though we know this to be patently untrue. The constituencies of the Left, or least enough of them to make a difference, are not doing their research. They are accepting as fact anything that Bill Maher, Chris Matthews or Oprah Winfrey deliver as news. This is an extremely disconcerting reality. The Democratic leadership, the leftist media and their fellow leftist academics in the universities rely heavily on the assumption that their electorate is ignorant. While they may be able to lure their Democratic faithful, do not allow them sway the center, who are still deeply in the process of weighing their options between the two tickets.

Because we firmly believe in the principals upon which this nation was founded, we must press on in our assault on the yellow journalism of today’s media and challenge them at every turn. We must do our part to ensure the success of the McCain-Palin ticket in each of our respective states. Join with McCain and Palin in their effort to spare this nation an Obama-Biden administration. Keep writing. Keep staying up late into the nights, reading up on the various issues. When the left try to spin the truth, un-spin it for them.

This is a monumental time and we can make a difference if we keep up the assault. The impact that folks like Sean Hannity and the countless political bloggers have had on this campaign has been inspiring and marvelously effective. If we want this country to remain the country that we know and love, we must stand up and fight alongside John McCain. Keep it up! Join the campaign effort and make some serious noise in September and October of 2008! This has the potential to be Obama’s swan song.. Let’s sing it for him.

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