Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Ready for Battle

Posted by LM Stansbury on Sunday, August 03, 2008 12:00:00 AM

This is my first entry into my newly created 54-40 or Fight Blog. I am thrilled to finally have the chance to be writing about those issues most dear to me. I am a thirty-one year old Christian female who has always worn her conservative badge with honor. Why am I conservative? The answer to that question is easy. I am educated and I love to read. I have long been of the opinion that most unintelligent people in the world or only such by virtue of their failure to read, their failure to self-educate. By and large, those individuals who have impacted my life most have been avid readers, undeniably devoted to learning and utterly incapable of keeping that knowledge concealed. Unfortunately, knowledge brings with it an incontrovertible truth: the majority of American citizens are absolutely clueless with regard to nearly every important issue about which our Presidential Candidates discuss. If that were not bad enough, the average U.S. citizen’s understanding about the history of our nation is abysmal. Of greatest concern: these people are voting. As the presidential campaign of 2008 nears its apex these next couple of months, we conservatives are faced with a great challenge and saddled with a heavy burden. We are dedicated to the principals upon which this nation was founded and as we near November; it is becoming increasingly evident that there is a growing battle against those principals. In an effort to protect our sacred foundation, we must read and read often, with the painful realization that many of those on the Left are daily allowing the words of our founders to fade into the distance. Indeed, Barak Obama's campaign along side our inexcusably biased media is depending upon the fact that most Americans will lose site and meaning of its past.

The talking points that the American Left have been using to bolster their arguments are prolific. To be sure, all that Obama supporters need do in order to be given new and magnificent reasons to vote for their candidate is turn to their cable news network for half an hour or so. We conservatives are at a severe disadvantage. While we too, allot portions of our time to cable news and major media moguls, we realize that in order to truly understand the issues at hand, we must be diligent with our fact finding and tenacious in our quest for alternative resources. We, on the right, realize that one cannot make an informed decision by investing time into one resource alone, yet this contentedness with ignorance seems perfectly acceptable for supporters of Barak Obama who are again and again rendered speechless when asked what experience and set of accomplishments make their candidate fit for the office of President.

Barak Obama has ingeniously built for himself a platform of platitudes and naiveté and his followers have bought into his drivel hook, line and sinker. I made my frustration for this blind endorsement known to a friend whom I know supports the Democratic candidate. She made a fair argument by explaining that as much I failed to understand her ability to support Barak Obama, so too had she struggled to understand my ardent defense of President Bush for so many years. Putting effort toward viewing the world through another's lenses is of paramount importance and an in effort to extend my friend that courtesy, I reasoned her point of view and made sense of her analogy. My concern however, and I voiced this with her, was that I as a Bush supporter had always been able to qualify my endorsement of the President by virtue of my agreement with his policy objectives. Without a doubt, whether one supports or despises President Bush, not one of us has ever been confused about where he stands. Those who support Barak Obama on the other hand have failed, time and again, to adequately explain what it is about their candidate they agree with aside from “hope” and “change.” In fact, ignorance has been a necessity of the Obama campaign. Only with a following that has allowed for him to remain ambiguous has he been able to achieve such immense success.

As I watched Barak Obama pander to the citizens of Germany, referring to himself as a citizen of the world, I wondered how an individual could be so evidently embarrassed by his country while standing in the very streets in which we rescued Europe from Tyranny. In several weeks, Barak Obama will be on my home front in Denver, Colorado. He will stand in the same stadium in which I have collected dozens of football memories and he will employ the great Rocky Mountain Range for his backdrop as he speaks to our nation. Those mountains have been involved in every chapter of my life. In them, I have learned to care of myself, I have learned to take risks and survive danger on my own. Because of those mountains, I have grown to appreciate what an awesome and glorious place this and as I look at them each night, I am reminded what a magnificent creator we have. The Rocky Mountains are a young range. They are a tough range. They are dangerous and they are strong. They are fixed and firm. They have remained wildly steadfast since the dawn of this country. To me, those mountains personify the American spirit of 1776, 1865, 1945 1991, and when our time in Iraq concludes, they will personify that year as well. In several weeks, a candidate will stand below them and he will speak loudly and he will speak eloquently and he will raise his arms high but know that he will not be speaking to the spirit of those mountains, nor especially to the spirit of this country. He will, by his own admission, be speaking as a citizen of the world, a world which our forefathers left long ago in order that we might one day stand as a beacon of hope for those fleeing tyranny and oppression. No, we are nothing like Europe nor do we hope ever to be. We stand proud on our record of freedom. We stand proud on our constitution, the oldest operating constitution in the history of the world. We are proud to say that, unlike Europe and the world throughout, we are not tormented by multiple revolutions per century. That we are unlike Europe is no failure on our part. We sought out to be different than Europe and when Barak Obama stands in my city in three weeks and challenges us to change and challenges us to become more like the old world from which we fled; I will take up my constitution and boldly inform him otherwise.

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